If you have your own team or company but no home club/court to play your home matches, you can send us your details and we will look for a club/hall in your area. The team captain, players or your team name will have no connection to the club/hall.
When SNP is played for the first time in an area, the teams are divided depending on the level that you choose at registration and which is then checked by the competition committee. You can choose between four different levels in the registration form and which must be filled in by each team.
First day of registration and payment is April 1, 2023. The competition starts in October 2023.
Registration fee: 250 euros/team (paid together with registration). At least 9 players.
For an invoice, please, contact us by email: info@snpadel.fi
Payment is made preferrably through SWISH to SNP Scandinavia AB /Sparbanken Syd.
Please, mark Swish with your Team name.
Website | www.snpadel.fi |
Owner website | SNP Scandinavia AB |
Responsible for data management | SNP Scandinavia AB, hereinafter "the Company" |
Reason | Management, analysis and resolution of questions asked in the website
Organization of padel tournaments |
Legitimation | User agrees |
Legal Age of Consent | The user certifies that he/she is 18 years of age or older and thereafter can, according to law, consent to the handling of his/her personal data established in privacy protection. |
Recipient | Third parties will be notified to develop operations described in data protection. Your personal data will never be shared with other parties for reasons other than those described in this document. |
Rights | Login, change and deletion data, among other rights, which are explained in the additional information. |
Additional information | You can check the additional and detailed information about data protection by clicking here |